
by: Dayren Santamaria January 12, 2022

Twitter is an important channel of communication because of its vast quantity and diversity of users. 300 million is the estimated number of global users. Even though this virtual platform is popular and well-known. Is it good for your business in reality? Is it good for your mental health and well-being? Is it worth it to use it? There are benefits and disadvantages for using any online media and here are some of them.

Three of the advantages that Twitter provides is that your posts, business advertisements, or links to your blogs and articles can be seen by millions. The second benefit is that Twitter Application Programming Interface (API), is a platform that is available to users while providing data from global customers that want to share and make their information public. API is accessed by a large group of academic researchers. These researchers can use the data to evaluate while improving the site for the benefit of society. The third benefit is that there is no cost for a professional account, nor for access to the academic research platform.

Just like these advantages, Twitter has disadvantages and here are three of them. “It takes a lot of time to engage with the community you develop” (Gaille, 2017). Actively responding to the questions or concerns of users who want to know about the business or blog that is being posted, is key to attract and maintain a healthy community that can support your project. That takes time and it can become addictive, which can be counterproductive to your job and personal life and health. The second disadvantage is that while the business might gain more followers and increase the community, the favorable, critical, and negative comments will also increase. Being prepared to ignore the negativity and absorb the learning process and positive aspects of it all is the best solution. Always remember that health, both physical and mental, are more important than promoting any project. The third disadvantage is that Twitter just like most social media is an outlet for people to share real and untruthful information with beneficial and dangerous repercussions that can negatively change the course of any civilized society. keeping your business or project politically and socially neutral can be a good thing for some followers, while others might blame you for not supporting a social group or a political movement. It can be confusing to discern the correct path to follow, but be sure that whichever path you decide to take, that is and will be the correct path for you and will lead you to wonderful and not so wonderful learning experiences.

In conclusion, Twitter is not good for your business. You are perfect for your business. The time dedicated to promote work, projects, or businesses in general, is always perfect as long as you don’t forget about the ‘whole world’ and yourself. Your inner qualities, moral and personal values, are going to be reflected on every project you interact with. Even though as many people as you would like, might not be noticing or caring about your work, it is still relevant and an important creation that came from you. It is real, it is not virtual and you must appreciate it.


Bycott, B. (2019, October 15). “How to properly promote your blog post on Twitter – Don’t just tweet out the link and call it a day.” Retrieved January 12, 2022, from

Gaille, B. (2017, January 14). 22 pros and cons of Twitter for business. Retrieved January 15, 2022, from

Torner, A., & Trujillo, L. (2021, January 26). “Enabling the future of Academic Research with the Twitter API.” Retrieved January 12, 2022, from

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